
My Geography Bee

I haven't told you, but I went to the state Geography bee! They had some hard questions, and I only got 2 out of 8 questions right. Some of the questions were really hard! (What is the Pallas Athena made out of, Wood or Stone?) I got my first 2 questions right, and then missed my last 6. After that, I watched the same guy who won last year win it again this year. He was really good, (mind-blowingly good.) He got some questions that I couldn't even understand! Overall though, I had a good time at the state Geography bee, even though my scoring was a lot less then perfect. After that, I went to get lunch at Carl's Junior, go to my friend Howard's house, and relax in my grandma's house. Random Geography Question: What is the capital of Mongolia? Answer in the comments below!

Update on the Bald Bull

My dad beat the Bald Bull last night! He said it was hard. Random Geography Question: What is the capital of Panama? Answer in the comments below!

Dodge his Punch, then Counterpunch!

Today, my family got an NES download for our Wii U. We got The Legend of Zelda, Tecmo Bowl, and Punch Out. We, (By we, I mean my dad and I.) love the game. I had tried it out at my friend Howard's house, (Great Guy!) and loved it. I fought Glass Joe, and beat him easy. Then I fought this guy called, "Von Kaiser." He was from Berlin, Germany, cracked his neck a lot, and had a handlebar mustache. I lost. He just uppercutted me over and over! Then my dad stepped in. He annihilated Glass Joe, Von Kaiser, and the champion of that circuit, Piston Hondo. Then he beat Don Flamenco, King Hippo, (Man, he was fat. And his pants kept falling down. What's up with that?) then he beat Great Tiger. Then he lost to Bald Bull. Multiple times. After that, he just kinda stopped. So I played Tecmo Bowl. Random Geography Question: What group are Sweden, Finland and Norway in? Answer in the comments below!